General Director

The director of AKMC, Haki Çako, presenting the program for 2022
The magazine presents to you all the activities of this institution since its inception, its historical development, establishment and consolidation, commitments and participation in activities, conferences, training programs and projects with significant contribution in the field of civil defense.
The signing of ratified international agreements which reflect and consolidate our relations with the competent authorities and international organizations in the field of disaster risk reduction and civil protection are also special moments.
On behalf of this institution, as the owner of this institution, I express my conviction and appreciate that this periodical document is important, not only to document the activities of the National Civil Protection Agency, but at the same time to provide and serve as a reference and guide for its future activities.
Today, human society is increasingly facing natural disasters, the consequences of which affect every area of human life. Experience has shown that the frequency of occurrence of these phenomena has been associated with a series of problems that clearly threaten the continuity of our lives, reduce natural resources, assets and reduce their productivity.
Based on recent studies, ALBANIA is ranked as one of the countries with a high risk of natural disasters. Dealing with and managing natural disasters as well as risk reduction are among the main priorities of the Reform in the Civil Defense System, which culminated in Law No. 45/2019, a law which consolidated the foundations of the institutional and functional apparatus of the Civil Defense System, clearly define the institutional responsibilities and duties of all the structures of this system
The National Agency of Civil Protection, established by this law, enjoys the highest coordinating and co-ordinating authority, making an important contribution to reducing the risk of disasters and civil protection.
In the capacity of the General Director of the National Civil Defense Agency, I consider the publication of this magazine very important as it proves and reflects the commitment, successes and achievements throughout a year of work.